
The SplashCam line is simply the highest quality underwater video equipment you will find. Most all of our equipment is hand-built in the USA. Our 2 year parts/labor warranty is the longest is the industry. The video quality of both our analog and HD system is surpassed by none. Below is just a sampling of what we here from our customers…
Everyone to date has a hard time believing that I am still using the same camera system since 1999. I first started using the Deep Blue Pro SplashCam while I was working in Iceland on the Keiko Project for Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ocean Future Society. I remember my excitement as the system was very portable, something I had never seen before and I could get the lens exactly where I wanted without Keiko, the Killer Whale, ever noticing. I even used it to capture Keiko swimming out of his bay pen & into Klettsvik Bay for the first time.
Over the years I have used the same Deep Blue Pro system in a variety of environments capturing a wide range of natural history events as well as utilizing it for commercial diving inspections and the camera always produces a quality image with a minimum investment in set up time and deployment. We are currently using the Deep Blue Pro today to enhance and improve the training programs at the Kirby Morgan Pro Dive Center; where we train Public Safety Divers in the use of Surface Supplied diving equipment.
The field of view and throw of the camera is exceptional and covers well over 75% of our training tank with tack sharp focus.
Customer service has been outstanding and I have found that there is no match to your SplashCam camera system and that is why I am using it still today 15 years after I first lowered the Deep Blue Pro under the surface of the water off the coast of Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland.
Blair Mott
Dive Training Manager
Kirby Morgan Pro Dive Center
“As the Directors of Photography for Discovery Channel’s “Deadliest Catch” we have the responsibility to bring home high quality professional images that will be viewed by tens of millions of people worldwide. This is an awesome responsibility considering the incredibly harsh environment that we work in. All of our photographic systems are challenged by salt water, freezing spray, and violent collisions with hydraulic cranes and swinging crab pots – not to mention the times that we loose our footing and fall or get washed across the deck by waves. In this crazy environment our most reliable tool has always been the SplashCam” “I should also mention that we get more than awesome cameras from SplashCam We have also enjoyed the full support of Jason and his team. The fact is that the people at SplashCam care about their products and their clients. Their dedication has been instrumental in our success. This year as we head to the Emmy’s, honored for our third year in a row as “Outstanding Cinematography” nominees, we want to thank those who have contributed to our photographic success. We want to extend a special thanks to the team at SplashCam!”
Zac McFarlane
Doug Stanley Directors of Photography
Discovery Channel’s “Deadliest Catch”
To whom it may concern,
I have been in a dive harvest fishery in Alaska for the last several years. I have used several underwater video cameras. This year I bought a Deep Blue Pro. This system is by far the best camera I have had on my boat and has become an important part of our gear.
Thank you for the great product!
Todd Hadfield
Dear Ocean Systems,
Your company has been a pleasure to work with over the years. As a commercial diver my first introduction to your product was while working at Divers Institute of Technology in Ballard, WA. They had a new SplashCam underwater video camera that the students used during instruction. I have a commercial diving business that requires the use of quality color video on all job sites. I was dissatisfied with the cameras in my inventory and quickly made a decision, in 2004, to purchase a SplashCam from Ocean Systems, Inc.
The camera has been used in many commercial diving jobs during the last 5 years and has performed flawlessly. We mount the camera on the diver’s helmet where it is very exposed to abuse. It’s very durable housing and recessed scratch resistant lens is tremendous. The camera still looks brand new. I recommend this camera to anyone interested. Last year our company began recording digitally direct to laptop computer and your staff recommended the One Touch Video program.
The combined system has worked very well and produces excellent video and still (snaps) for my underwater survey and inspection reports. The LED lights around the lens allow me options between different lighting needs and always are available when all else fails. Superb! Thank you for a fine product, knowledgeable and helpful staff.
Marcus Harvey
Hydro Tech Int’l Commercial Diving Services
Dear Ocean Systems
As the Directors of Photography for Discovery Channel’s “Deadliest Catch” we have the responsibility to bring home high quality professional images that will be viewed by tens of millions of people worldwide. This is an awesome responsibility considering the incredibly harsh environment that we work in. All of our photographic systems are challenged by salt water, freezing spray, and violent collisions with hydraulic cranes and swinging crab pots – not to mention the times that we lose our footing and fall or get washed across the deck by waves. In this crazy environment our most reliable tool has always been the Splashcam.” “I should also mention that we get more than awesome cameras from SplashCam. We have also enjoyed the full support of Jason and his team. The fact is that the people at FlashCast care about their products and their clients. Their dedication has been instrumental in our success. This year as we head to the Emmy’s, honored for our third year in a row as “Outstanding Cinematography” nominees, we want to thank those who have contributed to our photographic success. We want to extend a special thanks to the team at SPLASHCAM!”
Doug Stanley – Zac McFarlane Directors of Photography – Discovery Channel’s “Deadliest Catch”
Ocean Systems,
I wanted to thank you for introducing us to the SplashCam underwater camera. Since seeing your display at a boat show over two years ago, and getting one of your cameras, we have had the opportunity to put it through its paces, the camera has exceeded our highest expectations. Not only has this been the most reliable camera, the quality of what we have captured to tape has been excellent. Our footage has been used in documentaries on ABC and CBS.The most amazing thing about our experience with the SplashCam is when we are on a shoot with other film crews they arrive with expensive, elaborate underwater photography equipment. They spend hours getting this equipment set up. We in the meantime have been shooting for most of that time. When the footage is reviewed, ours (shot with the SplashCam) is consistently better. As a matter of fact, every crew has asked to borrow our equipment and in many cases (as you know) returned from their shoot with us and ordered Sincerely,
Bob McLaughlin
Shatar Marine Productions
Hello Ocean Systems,
So impressed have we been, we’ve purchased a SplashCam for our entire fleet of 6 ships. This tool has really proven itself; we’ve used it in a variety of applications. For instance, one day as our ship MS Endeavour was crossing the Atlantic, we came upon a group of bottlenose dolphins and pilot whales . We were able to get fairly good views from the bow of the ship, but it wasn’t until we deployed our “Tech Team” with the SplashCam that we were truly able to see these animals “in” their environment. The Zodiac was able to safely and unobtrusively drift towards these animals, and the SplashCam captured footage of the mammals lazily swimming about. The really stunning pictures, however, were of the pilot whales who were “hanging” nearly vertical in the water column. Just sitting there, beautifully, in the soft blue light
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. We quickly edited and set this footage to music, showed it to our guests in the ship’s lounge, and they erupted in applause and cheer like we’ve rarely heard before. What a hit!
Another particularly creative use of the SplashCam occurred in the Sea of Cortez. Here, we’ve used it to look at fish, invertebrates, and gray whales on the Pacific side of the peninsula. But the Showstopper happed when we were actually along-side a dock one night after dinner. It was an unscheduled port call to disembark a sick guest. While some of the crew attended to that person, a couple of our naturalist donned their dive gear and took the SplashCam out for a “LIVE DIVE”. The other guests were in the lounge, enjoying an after-dinner drink and the divers hooked the system up to our TV monitors. With 200 feet of cable connecting the camera to the ship’s TV’s we were able to dive directly form the ship and transmit images of an unbelievable amount of fish life among the pier pilings. Another naturalist narrated what were were seeing. The “LIVE” aspect was a real winner. Nobody fathomed the idea that there was so much action just beneath the ship.
We’ve also used the SplashCam in the simplest of ways. For instance, after dinner is a great time to just drop it over the edge of an anchored or drifting ship, turn on the camera lights, and see what shows up. We’ve seen fish by the dozens, and even mobula rays by the dozen. Of course, it’s the light that attracts them, and the camera then captures great LIVE and recorded footage.
One of the nicest features of the SplashCam, is it’s portability. Everything packs up nice and neatly into a small case, and is easily carried or deployed on a moment’s notice. This is key.
All-in-all, we’ve been extremely pleased with our SplashCams and look forward to many more creative uses of this technology.
Trey Byus
Director of Field Staffing & Expedition Technologies
Lindblad Expeditions
Mr. Whittle – Ocean Systems,
I am writing you concerning the exceptional camera that your company manufactures, the SplashCam. As you may know, I am a Florida Marine Institute Biologist working in southeast Florida. I have been involved in a snapper life history and stock assessment project. As a result of doing this work, I suggested that we consider using an underwater camera to locate, identify and observe snappers from near shore waters out to 200 feet deep offshore waters. Conditions in this area are brutal on equipment due to Gulf Stream currents up to 4 knots and jagged live coral system.
After trying different camera models on the market, I recommended that the state purchase the SplashCam . The reasons for making this purchase are that the heavier duty tether cable makes it possible to rotate the camera once it is deployed, and the fact that it has the ability to attach weights directly to the camera housing.
One major concern was the ability to identify snapper species with you camera. This concern was dismissed with the first use of the camera. Not only were we able to identify two different species of snappers, but also to view four different artificial reef sites, three barges in 85 feet and one ship in 120 feet of water. The camera withstood several direct impacts with these wrecks with no effect on picture quality or performance. We are very pleased with the results and look forward to using the SplashCam on a regular basis
Yours Truly,
James Knapp
Research Staff
Marine Resources
Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection
Dear Ocean Systems,
I just wanted to drop you a short note to tell you how please I am with the SplashCam. Besides the quality of the pictures that we got from the camera, I was most impressed with its ability to withstand rough treatment in the field. The lake we were surveying was filled with debris (cables, tires, concrete, etc.), and we were constantly dragging it across the debris and getting it stuck. I was happy to see that the camera and the cable handled the rough abuse. Your product performed exactly as you said it would. THANK YOU!!!
Sincerely, Charles J. Olsen M.S.
Senior Environmental Scientist
Interstate Environmental Services
Ocean Systems,
I own a commercial diving company and have tried many different underwater cameras. The stainless steel encased camera that we purchased from you, has been the toughest camera yet. Picture quality is very good to excellent. We mount this camera on top of the diving helmet and have run it into walls and into the bottom of the boat with no problems. We have used it to depths of 100 feet. We have used it for many years and would purchase another one from you if the need would arise.
Steve Phillips
Three Rivers Diving