
Product Quotes: All Product quotes are good for a period of 60 days from the date issued.
Domestic Orders: To place an order call 1-800-355-4234. You may also use our order form to send an order Online or print it out and fax/mail it to us. Domestic orders will be shipped in accordance with the current lead time provided to the customer at the time of order. Ocean Systems uses UPS for product shipments. Unless otherwise specified by Ocean Systems, the customer will prepay for the goods and shipping via VISA/MC or AMEX
International Orders: To place an order you may either use our online shopping system or you can contact us at sales@oceansystmsinc.com or by phone at +1-425-258-0778 Fax: 425-339-8389. Please send us your full billing and shipping address. We will then send a Performa Invoice by email with payment options.
Returns / Refunds: You may return any “non-custom” order within 30 days of purchase
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. Prior to returning any item you must first obtain an RMA (return authorization number) Call 1-800-355-4234 (US / Canada) or 425-258-0778. You may also use our contact form to receive an RMA. All parts & pieces must be included with the original shipping container. All items must be in “like new” condition. If the above conditions are met you will receive a 100% refund to the credit card used to purchase the goods. You will not be refunded any shipping charges associated with the order. If any item is missing or damaged, Ocean Systems reserves the right to deduct the cost of replacement / repair (which ever is cheaper) from the total amount of the refund.
Warranty Period: Warranty period is one year from purchase on all cameras and lights manufactured by Ocean Systems. Warranty is for 6 months for all accessories (monitors/recorders/batteries/lights) not manufactured by Ocean Systems. Warranty includes parts / labor only. Shipping charges for ground service within the boarders of USA will be covered by warranty. Upgraded shipping service and international shipments are the responsibility of the customer.
All repairs must receive an RMA (return material authorization) number prior to return shipment to Ocean Systems. Please call 1-800-355-4234 (US / Canada) or 425-258-0778 to receive an RMA. It is best to call first to possible troubleshoot any issue you may be having. . Any item received received without an RMA will be refused by Ocean Systems shipping department.
Ship Repairs/Returns to:
Ocean Systems,
Inc Attn: Repairs/Returns
3901 Smith Avenue
Everett, WA 98201 USA
RMA must be posted on the outside of the shipping container
Hours of Operation: Our business hours are 8:00AM to 5:00PM PST Monday-Friday. Our phones are monitored during business hours only. Feel free to contact us by web contact anytime – Web contacts are monitored during business hours and typically once in the evening and once daily over weekends.