Family owned / operated since 1988

Ocean Systems builds and distributes high performance marine electronics . We are recognized for providing product excellence to the marine video industry. Ocean systems goes to great lengths to ensure our relationship with our customers will last for years to come.

We were founded with the vision of producing durable and affordable solutions for exploring the marine environment. Our goal is to help reveal the mysteries of the deep and spark the imagination. As we continue to bring new and innovative ideas to the water, we hope you will invite your friends and neighbors to see what all the excitement is about.

High quality products

Our cameras are built with versatility in mind and the capability of withstanding extreme environments, from The Bering Sea to The Great Barrier Reef

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. With over twenty years of experience manufacturing high quality marine electronic products for the commercial & recreational marine industry, all of our cameras must pass a rigorous quality inspection.

Exceptional Industry Reputation

From universities around the world, as well as research facilities, charter boats, television production companies, to the local angler or diver looking to capture evidence of their latest adventure, SPLASHCAM is consistently ranked at the top of their class. Please see our list of clients and testimonials.

Unsurpassed Product Value

Whether you wish to explore beneath the surface of the sea with our underwater cameras, or use one of our deck cameras to improve overall safety and security on board, the SplashCam line will only heighten your overall experience on the water. Discovery and entertainment coupled with unmatched quality and affordability make for a very satisfying purchase.

Types of Underwater Cameras

Not all underwater camera needs are the same – and that’s why we offer a complete range of underwater and harsh environment video cameras to choose from: self-deployed (including high definition),  hull mounted and deck/engine room cameras.

Questions? Contact us by phone at 800-355-4234 or by email at

Underwater Video Cameras: Drop/Towed

Discover more about three types of underwater video cameras: Deep Blue Pro,  Delta Vision Industrial and SideWinder 360.

  • • The Deep Blue Pro is a powerful camera on a cable. Designed to be dropped and/or towed in the water.  it is a robust time-tested design that’s ideal for professionals and recreational enthusiast as well.
  • Delta Vision Industrial allows you to get the best possible images with worry-free deployment. Design for well inspections, hydro-electric monitoring and other industrial uses.
  • SideWinder 360: This dual-camera system points one camera down while the other pans horizontally, 360 degrees.

HD Underwater Video Cameras: Drop/Towed

You’ve got multiple choices of quality HD underwater video cameras: Deep Blue HD SDI, Deep Blue HD TVI and Delta Vision HD SDI and Delta Vision HD TVI underwater video cameras.

  • • The Deep Blue HD offers 1080p HD 30 FPS video. No matter how harsh the environment, you can count on flawless viewing. Cable up to 600 feet
  • • The Delta Vision HD  offers 1080p HD 30 FPS video. No matter how harsh the environment, you can count on flawless viewing.

Mounted Through Hull Camera

Our through hull cameras have three different viewing orientations:

  • • 90 degree, perpendicular to the hull
  • • 30 degree sweep view, 30 degrees down from parallel
  • • 45 degree sweep view, 45 degrees down from parallel

Deck / Engine Room Cameras

Choose the deck/engine room cameras from SplashCam!

Choosing SplashCam Underwater Cameras

It’s important to make sure you get exactly the right camera for your needs. Fortunately, besides creating the top-quality products that you need, we also provide outstanding customer service. We don’t want to just sell you a camera. We want to build a long-lasting relationship with you, as we do with countless other clients.

Contact us online for help in picking the right underwater camera. Or call at 800- 355-4234.
