If you’re interested in taking underwater photography, but are new to the adventure, National Geographic has a fantastic guide from photographer Raul Touzon. We recommend that you read the entire article – and enjoy the accompanying photography – but here are some highlights.
Tip # 1: Get comfortable with being underwater – and with the subjects that you’ll be photographing.
“Remember, ” Touzon writes, “that the photographer becomes a floating platform on which the camera rests.” Therefore, the ability to swim well – and sometimes fast – is essential for quality underwater photography.
The more you know about the subjects you want to photograph, the better that you can “capture its essence.” Knowing how a school of fish will likely move, for example, is useful
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. And, it’s also important to know which creatures are potentially dangerous and how close you can get to each one.
Tip #2: Understand how colors are affected as you dive more deeply.
Color is lost, Touzon explains, the more deeply you go, with red the first to diminish. So, knowing the true colors of marine life will help you in your photography – and, fortunately, much of this information is available online. Note: you can also find more information about color perception underwater here.
Tip #3: Remember your purpose.
“Remember that you don’t dive to take pictures, you dive because you want to enjoy being immersed in an alternate universe. You dive to share and enjoy this wonderful space with its inhabitants. If you make this a priority, good pictures will emerge. ‘Photography is a by-product of the experience.’ Enjoy the experience, and the pictures will come.”
Award-winning ecologist and film maker Rob Nelson shares tips on underwater video, with this context: “Not all of us can become Jacques Cousteau, but preparation and hard work can make you an exceptional underwater filmmaker.” Again, we recommend that you read the entire article, but here are highlights:
• “To get close to wildlife underwater, you want to stay relaxed. Move slowly and controlled; don’t chase fish or other marine life, or you are likely to scare them off. Plus, your footage will look better if you pace yourself.
• “Avoid kicking up silt and dust from the bottom. It will get in front of the camera and make the water murky. There is nothing worse than thinking you have a great shot only to discover later that the cloud of dirt you just kicked up ruined the clarity of the image.”
• Water absorbs red first causing video to appear more blue or green than you hoped. In clear tropical waters, blue remains the longest, and when you are diving in temperate waters, plankton and other particles create a strong green hue.”
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