According to Marine Bio, 50-80% of all life on earth is found beneath the ocean’s surface – and less than 10% of the depths have been explored by humans. Although this is still speculation, scientists have “long believed that organisms and chemical compounds found in the oceans’ depths could help them solve many medical mysteries.”
More specifically, the patterns of bioluminescence and human brain activity intrigue neuroscientists. As an example, with the “help of green fluorescent protein from the Aequorea victoria jellyfish, scientists have been able to watch processes — such as the development of nerve cells in the brain — previously invisible to them.”
Scientists also want to study the chemical reactions that allow these deep sea creatures to signal messages via flashing patterns on their bodies. Another subject of interest: how certain fish use biofluorescence, where they absorb some of the scant available light, transforming it and then ejecting it in another hue.
To date, equipment hasn’t been available to observe these fish in their own environment. That, however, appears to be changing, thanks to the development of the $1.3 million Exosuit, an “atmospheric diving system” that allows the diver to explore 305 meters deep (1,000 feet) without “succumbing to the cold and intense pressure, which is 30 times greater than at the surface.”
This suit can do much more than allow a diver to observe. Thanks to “1.6-horsepower foot-controlled thrusters and 18 rotary joints in the arms and legs,” the diver can move nimbly. The suit contains an oxygen re-breathing system that recycles the cabin gas supply. Carbon dioxide is chemically removed and oxygen replenished for up to 50 hours.
Curious about the Exosuit? You can find the specs of the suit here.
Technology is always evolving and it’s interesting to imagine how underwater video cameras will adapt to meet the changing needs of divers. Whatever direction the technology takes, you can count on Ocean Systems being there
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