Looks like underwater video cameras will be needed!

Fascinating Uses of Underwater Research Video Cameras

Because some of our best underwater video camera customers are researchers, we watch for stories when maritime archaeologists and researchers make exciting discoveries – and, von February 27, one of the “most significant shipwrecks” from the Civil War era was discovered: a blockade runner steamer that’s still almost entirely intact.

Blockade runners were important to the Confederate cause, because they were fast vessels that could outrun Union war fleets that were attempting to block the Confederates from overseas trade (important to their economy). They were, according to the deputy state archaeologist-underwater and director of the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources’ Underwater Archaeology branch, among the “most sophisticated ships of their day, comparable to the high-speed cigarette boats that modern-day drug smugglers might use now.” (Gone with the Wind fans might remember that the dashing Rhett Butler commandeered this type of ship in the book and film!)

These ships often contained supplies for the Confederate army, as well as luxury goods that brought in plenty of money, including wine and fashionable clothing. This recently found ship is about 225 feet in length and is most likely one of these three lost and not-yet-found ships: the Agnes E. Fry, Spunkie or Georgianna McCaw. The ship’s size makes the first option the most likely.

At least 53 blockage ships sunk, and you can read an entire e-book for free on the subject: Graveyard of the Atlantic

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. And we’re hoping that video footage will soon be available on this just-found ship.

Customer List: Underwater Video Cameras and More

Although we don’t like to brag about ourselves, we’re happy to brag about the incredible customers that we serve. Here is a sample list of underwater camera customers whom we’ve had the pleasure of serving over the years – where no job is too big or too small. Plus, this is just the tip of the iceberg!

  • Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA)
  • Naval Surface Warfare Center Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (MD)
  • Dept of Natural Resources Aquatic Resources Division (WA)
  • University of Akureyri (Iceland)
  • University of Agriculture in Szczecin (Poland)
  • Victoria University (New Zealand)


Interested in doing your own underwater exploration? Here are choices of marine video cameras, including the:

  • Delta Diver: your robust eye to the underwater world!
  • Deep Blue Pro: satisfies both professional and recreational videographers, and was recently completely remade for an even better value
  • Delta Vision: most versatile choice
  • Sidewinder 360: dual camera unit, with one camera pointing down and the other scanning 360 degrees horizontally


Need help making the right choice? Contact our sales department to ask about marine video camera options. Or call 1-800-355-4234.