If you already enjoy scuba diving, you know how enjoyable it is – and HealthFitnessRevolution.com shares how it is genuinely good for your health: mind, body and soul. Plus, it allows you to become part of a close-knit community, a way to socialize with people with similar interests and passions.
Exercising in water is excellent physical exercise because of water’s natural resistance
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. Scuba diving for just one hour, the article points out, can burn as many as 500 calories, comparable to an hour on a gym’s cardiovascular machine. But, scuba diving also has a meditative effect because of the slow deep breathing you do, which promotes calmness and reduces stress.
Plus, being immersed in water can provide you with an incredible experience as you “unwind, relax and forget all about the stresses of daily modern life. When divers are underwater, they are at the mercy of the ocean currents and surges. The very act of surrendering to this force instantly calms the body and allows it to flow just as the marine life does so naturally.”
National Public Radio reports how scuba diving can even help people heal from extreme trauma, including post-traumatic-stress disorder (PSTD). One Marine veteran’s life had fallen completely apart, as he lost his family and got kicked out of his apartment. He even became institutionalized where they put him through electric therapy and tried medications without luck.
Then . . . he went scuba diving.
A program offered free lessons to veterans who had received the Purple Heart and, the first time he tried scuba diving, “I was just mind-blown at how alone yet safe I felt. I just felt like nothing else mattered except for me swimming around right there. And then when I came up, I just couldn’t even express the amount of joy. It was an overwhelming sense of emotion.”
He now scuba dives at least once a week and hasn’t had one single anxiety attack in nine months – without medication. Hopefully you’ll never go through this type of trauma – but you can also find a marvelous sense of peace and joy through scuba diving.
It’s tough to fully explain what it’s like to go scuba diving to someone who hasn’t yet had the experience. Maybe impossible. But, taking a marine video camera with you allows you to share the deep water life that you see with friends and family, and lets you capture your memories.
SplashCam is the marine video camera of choice for the crew of Discovery Channel’s show, Deadliest Catch – and should be yours, too! Here’s what the directors of the show have to say about our products: “This year as we head to the Emmy’s, honored for our third year in a row as ‘Outstanding Cinematography’ nominees, we want to thank those who have contributed to our photographic success. We want to extend a special thanks to the team at SplashCam!”
Contact us online today for your scuba diving video camera or call toll-free in the U.S. or Canada: 1-800-355-4234 or 1-425-258-0778.