Underwater video camera records deep sea mysteries

Elusive sea creature recorded with underwater video camera

Researchers have spotted an “elusive sea creature” that hadn’t been seen in 31 long years! And, cialis sales before this amazing sighting, tadalafil only two living human beings have reportedly seen one.

Called the Allonautilus scrobiculatus, this mollusk features a “vibrant golden shell covered in thick, slimy hair.” The creature was spotted off the coast of Papua New Guinea in the South Pacific in August 2015, close to where it was last spotted more than three decades earlier.

Although scientists hadn’t seen this mollusk before 1984, people knew of its existence since the 1700s because its shells have washed up to shore. In fact, the shell is known as a drift shell because it drifts after the mollusk itself dies, with erosion wearing away the hair found on the living creature.

The professor of geology who first reported on this creature, Bruce Saunders, said this is likely a rare species because it completely relies upon scavenging to survive. He believes the sliminess may be an “anti- predatory adaption,” because fish that try to eat the mollusk will often be thwarted as it slips right out of sight. “It’s a really cool way,” a scientist was quoted as saying, “not to get eaten.”

The Allonautilus lives in shallow water, close to rocks and it isn’t as good of a swimmer as its relative, the nautilus that lives in deep waters by coral reefs. It’s also much younger in the evolutionary chain, having “only” been around for one to two million years – while the nautilus swam with the dinosaurs. The creature can also handle warmer waters than its relative and its gills, jaws, shell shape and male reproduction system differs from other similar species. Concern exists about the survival of the creature as deep sea mining will pull up sediment and disrupt their natural habitat. A break in their food supply, which could be aggravated by illegal fishing practices, could kill them off.

Underwater video cameras used for scientific discovery

For this most recent sighting, scientists put fish and chicken on a stick and suspended it 500 to 1,300 feet below the surface – and then used underwater cameras for twelve hours. They’d been using this method since 2011 and, in 2015, about thirty people participated, watching film from the night before at 8x speed. Finally, an Allonautilus came near the bait – as did a nautilus – and the two began fighting for the food. A sunfish joined in, spending two hours smacking the mollusks with its tail.

The research team also used baited traps to capture several of these creatures from a depth of 600 feet. They brought them to the surface in the chilled water that the mollusks prefer. After taking tissue, shell and mucous samples – along with measurements – they were released back to their habitat.

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